
BuJo provides various snippets for everyday actions. Below you can find a short description and example output for the snippets available:

  • task to enter a task

    - [ ] <Enter text here>
  • taskclip to enter a task from clipboard

    - [ ] <Clipboard pasted here>
  • scratch to scratch a text selection

    ~Some text~
  • time to enter the current time

  • date to enter the current date

  • datetime to enter the current date and time

    2022.04.24 10:39
  • timetracktable to enter a time tracking table

    |     Tracker | Task             | Backlog  |
    | ----------: | :--------------- | :------- |
    | 00:00-00:00 | [ ] Example task | [[link]] |
    |             |                  |          |
  • timetrackrow to add an empty row to the time tracking table

    |             |                  |          |
  • timetracktask to enter a task in the time tracking table

    |             | [ ] <Enter here> |          |
  • timetracktaskclip to enter a task from clipboard in the time tracking table

    |             | [ ] <Clipboard>  |          |
  • timeblocktable to enter a time blocking table

    |        Time | Block         |
    | ----------: | :------------ |
    |     (00:00) | (Revision #1) |
    |             |               |
    | 00:00-00:00 | Chunk (#1)    |
    |             | - Chunk note  |
    |             |               |
  • timeblockrow to add an empty row to the time blocking table

    |             |               |
  • timeblockrev to enter a revision row in the time blocking table

    |     (10:53) | (Revision #1) |
  • timeblockchunk to enter a chunk row in the time blocking table

    | 00:00-00:00 | <Enter here>  |
  • timeblocknote to enter a note row in the time blocking table

    |             | - <Add here>  |


The Markdown All in One extension provides a table auto-formatting via the alt+shift+f keybinding. This makes it easy to work with and align markdown tables with a simple keyboard shortcut. This functionality will soon be brought to BuJo.