TextMate Scopes

Below are the TextMate Scopes that can be targeted via the VS Code setting editor.tokenColorCustomizations" for color customizations.

BuJo Entries

Open Tasks

  • bujo.task.open.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain a space in-between
  • bujo.task.open.symbol: targets the space between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.open.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [ ]
  • bujo.task.open.text: targets the text that follows [ ] without a modifier, e.g., [ ] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.open.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [ ] with a modifier, e.g., [ ] ! This is targeted.

Completed Tasks

  • bujo.task.completed.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain x in-between
  • bujo.task.completed.symbol: targets the symbol x between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.completed.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [x]
  • bujo.task.completed.text: targets the text that follows [x] without a modifier, e.g., [x] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.completed.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [x] with a modifier, e.g., [x] ! This is targeted.

Tasks In Progress

  • bujo.task.in.progress.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain / in-between
  • bujo.task.in.progress.symbol: targets the symbol / between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.in.progress.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [/]
  • bujo.task.in.progress.text: targets the text that follows [/] without a modifier, e.g., [/] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.in.progress.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [/] with a modifier, e.g., [/] ! This is targeted.

Tasks Migrated Forward

  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain > in-between
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.symbol: targets the symbol > between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [>]
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.text: targets the text that follows [>] without a modifier, e.g., [>] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [>] with a modifier, e.g., [>] ! This is targeted.

Tasks Migrated Backward

  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain < in-between
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.symbol: targets the symbol < between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [<]
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.text: targets the text that follows [<] without a modifier, e.g., [<] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.migrated.forward.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [<] with a modifier, e.g., [<] ! This is targeted.

Dropped Tasks

  • bujo.task.dropped.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain - in-between
  • bujo.task.dropped.symbol: targets the symbol - between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.dropped.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [-]
  • bujo.task.dropped.text: targets the text that follows [-] without a modifier, e.g., [-] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.dropped.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [-] with a modifier, e.g., [-] ! This is targeted.


  • bujo.task.event.notation: targets the left [ and the right ] brackets only when they contain o in-between
  • bujo.task.event.symbol: targets the symbol o between the notation brackets [ and ]
  • bujo.task.event.modifier: targets any supported modifier that follows after [o]
  • bujo.task.event.text: targets the text that follows [o] without a modifier, e.g., [o] This is targeted.
  • bujo.task.event.text.modifier: targets the text that follows [o] with a modifier, e.g., [o] ! This is targeted.

Markdown Tables

  • bujo.grid.horizontal: targets the :---:, :---, or ---: horizontal grids in tables
  • bujo.grid.colon: targets the : in horizontal grids
  • bujo.grid.vertical: target the | vertical grids in tables

Time Tracking Table

  • bujo.todo.start.hour: targets, e.g., 08 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.start.colon: targets, e.g., the : after 08 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.start.minute: targets, e.g., 10 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.separator: targets, e.g., - in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.end.hour: targets, e.g., 09 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.end.colon: targets, e.g., the : after 09 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.end.minute: targets, e.g., 20 in 08:10-09:20 inside a table row
  • bujo.todo.total: targets the total time spent, e.g., 98m in a table row


The tokens bujo.todo.* are deprecated and will be replaced by bujo.timetrack.* in the next major release.

Time Blocking Table

  • bujo.timeblock.revision.time.parenthesis.open: targets, e.g., ( in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.revision.time.hour: targets, e.g., 07 in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.revision.time.colon: targets, e.g., : in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.revision.time.minute: targets, e.g., 40 in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.revision.time.parenthesis.close: targets, e.g., ) in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.revision.text: targets, e.g., (Revision #1) in | (07:40) | (Revision #1) | inside a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.chunk.title: targets, e.g., Deep work (#1) in | 08:00-10:00 | Deep work (#1) | in a table row
  • bujo.timeblock.chunk.note: targets, e.g., - Random meeting in | | - Random meeting | in a table row

Regular Expressions

If you discover edge cases where the tokens are not appropriately highlighted, please open an issue on GitHubopen in new window. The regular expressions used for capturing the TextMate Scopes above can be consulted at: