Symbol Updating

BuJo provides two ways to update entry symbols: (1) via user commands and (2) via keybindings.

Via Commands

Bujo provides several commands via the command palette (i.e., ctrl/cmd + shift + p) to update the symbol for the first entry on the line where the cursor is placed (i.e., including in markdown tables). The following commands are available:

  • BuJo: Set Migrated Forward to set the entry symbol to [>]
  • BuJo: Set Migrated Backward to set the entry symbol to [<]
  • BuJo: Set Completed to set the entry symbol to [x]
  • BuJo: Set Open to set the entry symbol to [ ]
  • BuJo: Set In Progress to set the entry symbol to [/]
  • BuJo: Set Dropped to set the entry symbol to [-]

The following video demonstrates the commands in action:

Via Keybindings

BuJo also provides functionality to update entry symbols via arbitrary keybindings that pass the symbol to be set as an argument. For instance, when triggered, the following keybinding will update the task status to [x], and toggle between [x] and [ ] on subsequent triggers:

    // ...
        "key": "alt+x",
        "command": "bujo.setSymbol",
        "args": {
            "symbol": "x"
        "when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == markdown"
    // ...

Several default keybindings are provided for changing entry symbols, albeit they can be changed as needed:

  • alt+x to toggle between [x] and [ ]
  • alt+o to set [ ]
  • alt+- to toggle between [-] and [ ]
  • alt+/ to toggle between [/] and [ ]
  • alt+, to toggle between [<] and [ ]
  • alt+. to toggle between [>] and [ ]
  • alt+p to toggle between [o] and [ ]

The video below demonstrates the keybindings in action: